Sunday, September 27, 2009

Primary Presentation

I wish I could of taken a picture of Jake in church today so I could show you how adorable he was, I'll do my best to describe it... Jake had his primary presentation today and he was so cute. Last week Jake was given his part, after I read it to him twice he knew it. Crazy how smart the kid is. Anyway, for 5 days straight he has been saying it over and over. I swear if Coco could talk she could say it to. Haha!
Today arrived and Jake woke up super excited. He stood in the stands on the front row and sang every song with his head held high, loud voice and the biggest & brightest smile on his face. He would look at us throughout the songs and wave and give us thumbs up. When it was his time to say his part he stood tall and confident at the microphone and spoke very clearly and had a huge beaming smile.
After the program he came running to us and said "I couldn't stop smiling". We couldn't either. Throughout the rest of church I had a ton of people stop me in the halls and comment on how cute Jake was. Everyone mentioned his huge smile. Scott describes it like he was glowing.
Reading this back my words don't even come close to how cute, confident, bright and adorable he looked. I just know that it is a memory that I am going to treasure the rest of my life.
Jake's part: "My family & I can serve others, by serving others we show Heavenly Father we love him"
Here is Jake and Courtney after Church. They are quite the twosome.
(My sweet Mom came to watch & support Jake. Thanks Mom and thanks for entertaining Court).

This is Jake with his class room bear named Morgan. Everyone in his class is given a turn to bring Morgan home for one night. They are given a journal to write all their fun adventures. It's a cute idea but I couldn't get over a stuffed animal going to ALL the kids homes. Germs? Sooo Gross!!!!!! But we survived, no one got sick and Jake had a blast!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Excuse the randomness. Just need to update a few things.

Here is a picture of the new trees I got for my Birthday. My Birthday is in July so I had to wait until September to actually get them. I am so excited!! Thank you Mom & Dad!

This is my Snow fountain cherry tree. Scott says it looks like it's dying but I called the nursery & they said sometimes trees go into shock. Fingers crossed!

These are my very first trees I have ever owned. We didn't live in Clinton long enough to plant any. I am learning so much & loving it. Can't wait to plant more trees & bushes in the spring.

Mom & Dad took us miniature golfing on Labour Day. Had a blast! After the fun adventure of miniature golf we went to Emily's house for a yummy picnic.

Scott teaching Court to golf. She loved it!

Jake started Soccer this past weekend. Jake is on the 'Bumble Bee Transformer' team.

One of Jake's teammates is in his kindergarten class & another one is in his primary class. Jake is way excited about this.
Jake did awesome for his first game of the year. 5 Goals!!!

It's going to be a way fun soccer season!

Until next time...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

On Your Mark.. Get Set... RUN!

I am totally proud of myself. Today I ran my very first 5K. My good friend/neighbor and I have been running 3 or 4 times a week since June. At first we were running to get into shape but as the summer ended we thought "wow, we are awesome runners lets try a 5K". So today we did one and we loved it. Before I go on I have to point out that I have never, ever, ever been a runner. After my Mom ran a half marathon & then seeing all my friends run I figured I would try it. It took me forever to like running. The first month I absolutely hated every second of it, I remember coming home after a run and telling Scott that I did not understand why people run as it is complete torture. But gradually it started getting a little easier and now it is actually kind of fun. It was fun to train with my friend who was also a 'non' runner. We laugh when we think back to our first days of running when we couldn't even run a mile and when we finally did run a mile we wanted to die. LOL!!! Amy & I are now to the point that we can talk the entire time we run. I look forward to my nightly runs, not for the exercise but for the "girl talk".

Here is a picture of my friends & I after the race. The race was in West Haven "Run For Cancer". My friend Lacey (3rd from the left) ran it in 23 minutes. Wow! Angie (2nd from the left) pushed a stroller with two kids and beat me by 2 minutes. WOW!
Here is Amy and I at the finish line! We averaged a 9.14 mile which is our personal best. We are going to run another 5k next weekend as we learned three lessons. #1. Warm up before you run. #2. Get positioned at the front of the group. #3. Go to the bathroom before the race.

Here I am with Amy. We did it & we didn't die! YEAH!!!

It was way fun to see Scott & my kids at the finish line. Thanks Scott for waking them up early & bringing them! After the race when I went over to talk to them, Jake whispered in my ear "Lacey beat you". Jake was really quite disappointed that I didn't "win". I tried to explain to him that everyone who finishes the race is a winner but he gave me a weird look and I could see in his eyes that he didn't buy it. Maybe next race I'll make my 5 year old proud!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


This past Friday, Scott's work sponsored the Ogden Raptors base ball game. Scott's boss asked him if he would throw the first pitch. The funny thing is my Mom and Dad had already planned to take my Aunt Sharon & Uncle Jim to the game. Once Heather heard about Scott she, Justin & Logan jumped on board so Scott ended up with a big cheering section. When I asked Scott why he was chosen to do this, he just shrugged his shoulders and replied "I'm the only one that they thought could throw the ball to home plate". Nice pun on the guys he works with. Hahaha! Scott joked about throwing the ball under hand or throwing it like a girl, but when it came down to crunch time he did awesome!

Here are a few pictures of us & the family at the game!!!

Above is Courtney showing us her surprise face.

Court was obsessed with Oggie the Dinosaur mascot. She loved watching him from a distant but as soon as he started coming towards her she started whimpering and got very nervous. Was hilarious to watch.

(For some reason the pictures of Jake & Logan would not down load. They were there and having a ton of fun).

Okay, so a quick update on Jake.... We made it through the first week of school! YEAH!!! Longest week of my life. The week sums up like this; lots of tears but also lots of talks, encouragement, baby steps, a visit with his teacher and a few bribes. By Friday Jake made it through the day doing everything by himself & with no tears. We are so proud of him. Now onto week two... wish us Luck!!!

Funny story.. Jake came home and told me how his friend Hunter was telling him that he thought a girl on the bus was HOT. Jake told me that he replied back "No she's not, she's not sitting in the sun"!!! I smiled really big but I did not laugh until Jake had left the room!! My sweet innocent little boy

Courtney and Baby Lydia

Courtney and Baby Lydia
Courtney and her favorite Baby. Baby Lydia. How do I explain to her that baby has moved away? Breaks my heart!!!!

My hot husband!!

My hot husband!!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair & teeth time!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair  & teeth time!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

St. George

St. George

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese
We took Jake and Coco to Chucke Cheese for their first time. We all had a blast!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!