Monday, January 25, 2010

Little Princess


Photobucket These are some fun pictures of Courtney I had on my camera.

Courtney is 27 months old, 36' tall and 27 lbs. This past month she started talking in two and three word sentences. This may not seem too exciting for you but to us it's a great blessing and a huge relief. It's amazing to finally be able to communicate with Court and not have to guess what she is saying or what she wants. Already our house is quieter as we have less crying and screaming.

Example of a typical day for us (1 month ago): Courtney asks me for something, I can't understand her, Court gets frustrated and starts crying which then turns into screaming, I get frustrated because I can't figure out what she wants so I'm unable to calm her down, then Jake walks in the room, he does something or says something that puts me over the edge, I let out my frustration on him and then Scott comes home to a crazy wife and two very frustrated kids. Do you get the picture? LOL!!!!

These are a few of my favorite sentences Courtney says.

" I cold Mom."

" Help me Mommy."

"I done."
"I don't know."

"I good."

"I want bubba."

"Courtney, Doctor, No."

"Daddy here?"

"Momma go bye bye."

"I want pebbles." (fruity pebbles)

and my favorite, "I love you".

I'm also grateful and blessed to have Jake as my interpreter. There are still times that I have no idea what Court is saying and Jake can usually tell me. The other day he said, "Mom, why am I the only one who understands what Coco is saying"? I explained to him that this was one of his talents and that he is serving his Mom and Dad everyday by helping us understand his sister. And I must say, it's a talent that I'm very glad he has. Thank you Jake, we love you so much !!!

Here is a favorite quote of mine....
A child seldom needs a good talking to as a good listening to. - Robert Blaurt

I love this quote, it reminds me that I need to really listen to my children. It's so true when they say everyone just wants to be heard, I'm learning this also applies to two year olds and six year olds.

Happy New Years!!!

We celebrated New Years in Bear Lake with my family. We spent the weekend hanging out at our Condo, watching movies, eating, playing X-box, reading, eating, hot tubbing, eating, relaxing and did I mention eating.

My Mom brought fire works that we lit on New Years Eve. The kids loved them.

We told Jake he could stay up until midnight but by 9 pm he was asking to go to sleep. He did make us promise to wake him up at midnight which we did but he has no memory of it. Too funnY!!

Watching the fireworks on the Beach.

Tyson and his 2010 banana carving. We don't ask? We just take pictures!

Lydia and Jake playing Mario Car Wii.

This picture makes me really sad. Lydia has been gone for over three weeks now but Courtney still wakes up every morning and asks for 'Baby'. These two little girls became the best of friends. We miss you Lydia. XOXOXOXO

Scott loves this picture as Court has Lydia in a head lock. Proud father moment. LOL!!

It was too cold to take the little girls hot tubbing but this didn't stop Court from wearing her bathing suit.

Letting the girls get some fresh air.

Kids enjoying their dinner!!

Pure Joy!!

Lydia riding the merry go round. Nice gloves Lyd!

Tyson wanted to feel the water so the little boys ventured with him down to the lake.

What an incredible view!

Freezing while watching our kids on the play ground.

Merry Go Round!

Round and round she goes.

Jake and Logan checking out the Hot Tub!

Scott keeping Court Warm while walking back to the Condo.

Warming up in the Sauna.

We really couldn't of ask for a better way to bring in the New Year then with Family. It's still hard to believe that it's the year 2010. How crazy is that?

A big, big, big, thank you to Laura,Tyson & Lydia for the fun memories, not only of Bear Lake but for the entire month of December as well. We already miss you so much and have begun the count down until your next visit.

I know I'm three weeks late, but better late than never right? I want to wish all of you a Happy New Year, I hope all of your dreams and wishes for 2010 will come true.

Happy New Year!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New & Better Family Pictures

My Mom was finally able to get us all together for family pictures. This has been a two year undertaking as we all griped, couldn't find time and griped some more. But we finally did it, or should I say she finally made us do it and in the end, we thank her for her persistance & nagging. Totally kidding about the nagging... but honestly, we are really grateful she put this all together. Thank you Mom, they turned out beautiful!!

In between taking the big family picture we took small family pictures and some individuals. I'm happy to say that this time around, unlike our last adventure, was so much better. Scott was less ornery, the kids were happy, everyone cooperated and the pictures turned out really, really great. I can't wait to see the rest of them.

My Mom doesn't love, love this one, she thinks there is too big of space between her and I. Again, am excited to see the others.

Courtney was hilarious, she was our little model and loved posing for the photographer. Cracked us all up. When her time was over, she asked me for "more". Made us ponder... is this something we should look into?? Just kidding! LOL!!

Logan (7), Lydia (1), Jake (6) and Coco (2)

Woolf grand children.

When we took individuals of Jake, we made sure to have the photographer pose him away from the sun as he hates, hates, hates, the sun in his eyes. (look at Jake's face in all the other pictures, poor little guy).

Sweet and adorable Lydia.


Logan has always loved being in front of the camera, definitely takes after his Mom.

Our little Model.

My sister Heather has always been photogenic.


I loved this picture until Scott pointed out Tyson's 'Go Go Gadget Arm'. You are mean Scott!

My amazing parents!!!

The Cole Family.

Laura (baby sister), Heather (older sister), my Mom & Me (middle sister)!

Sisters! (And yes, my feet were freezing. I knew we were taking outside pictures, I didn't think we would be standing in the snow, let alone having to walk in deep snow. Took my poor feet a couple of hours to thaw out. Made me appreciate models and how hard they work. LOL!!)


These are just the few pictures I was able to download off the photographers Blog. We're still waiting to see the final product. Fingers crossed they are as good as these ones or better!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

My New Art Work

Jacob has always been a really good boy, he listens to us, obeys us, never gets into too much mischief... so when I walked by my living room and saw above my couch some writing on the wall I was shocked and I mean shocked!! All I could say was, What the?


As you can tell by Jake's face he knew he was in Big, Big, Big, Trouble. I kept asking him WHY? WHY would you draw on my walls? (He never did it when he was younger). He still hasn't given me a reason, maybe it was just a moment when he "forgot to think"?

If anyone has any helpful hints on how to get pen off walls, I would greatly appreciate it :)


Don't tell Jake this, but after I got super mad at him I called Scott and started laughing. It's just so bizarre that he did this that I think it's kind of funny. It's hard to see but he wrote Coco and drew a stick figure of her.

BUT, that's not the end of the story. Two days later I found Courtney drawing with blue crayon on my upstairs closet door. Again, what the?


I was sooo MAD and Courtney knew it. She spent thirty minutes in her crib while I tried to get it off. If anyone has any helpful hints on how to get crayon off please let me know.

I know this is more expected for a two year old, I was just stunned to go from this never happening to twice in two days?????

BUT, that's Still not the end of the story....

Later that day I was babysitting my 2 year old niece Aiva. I put her down for a nap in Jakes room and when I checked on her... this is what I found !!!


The picture doesn't even give it justice, it looked so much worse!! She had also colored on the carpet, all over herself and all over Jake's bed sheets. I yelled for my sister Laura who happened to be at my house. She ran up stairs and before I ran to get a wet cloth she said "Take a picture". (Good thinking Laura).

Thankfully it was a washable marker and it came off instantly. (I was so scared it was permanent).

Crazy this all happened in two days. I'm pretty sure my kids learned their lesson but I guess only time will tell. I'm scared to think what my reaction will be if I catch them doing this again, or should I say they should be scared. All I know is, it won't be pretty. LOL!!!

Now onto the task of trying to clean it up...??????

Friday, January 8, 2010

Finally my last Christmas Post!!! CHRISTMAS DAY!

Seriously, I can't believe it's January 8th and I'm still blogging about Christmas, pathetic and sooooo boring for who ever reads my blog. I apologize and I promise this is my last Christmas post.

Poor Jake woke up around 3 am Christmas morning with a tummy ache and fever. It was four long hours for our little Jake as he waited for Christmas morning. He was feeling sick, was not able to sleep AND excited to open presents...Torture.

When Christmas morning finally arrived, Jake had a ton of fun opening his presents, he was excited and happy but a little mellow. We could tell he really wasn't feeling well.

Of all days for him to be sick :(

My Mom & Dad came over to watch Jake & Coco open presents. It was fun having them there and a big thank you to my Dad for taking pictures (by the way Dad, I need to get those off your camera).

Courtney was so cute opening her presents, she would take her time unwrapping each gift and then insist on playing with what ever she had opened.

My sweet sick little boy, look at his pale skin. So sad. The next day Jake came to me and said "Mom, why was I sick on Christmas? This was my only Christmas that I will be 6, that's not fair". I totally agreed with him, not fair at all but luckily I was able to cheer him up when I reminded him that he will have another Christmas when he is 7 then 8, 9, 10, 11...

Jake with all his presents.

Scott bought this Jacket for Jake, I'll have to take a picture and post it of the two of them wearing their leather jackets, they are now twiners.

After opening presents at our house, we visited Scott's parents which was a blast, it's always fun spending time with them before the whole family gets there and the craziness begins. LOL!

Coco with Nana (my Mom).

We then headed to my parents house where we opened more presents. (It's convenient when our parents houses are close to each other. Takes us 1 minute to drive back and forth).

Court & Lydia playing with their new toys.

Christmas evening the plan was to head back to Scott's parents house to see the rest of his family but Jake was just too sick so he and I stayed at my Mom's. I was really sad missing Christmas at the Cole's and Jake was devastated but we're glad that Scott & Coco had fun and like I told Jake there is always next year... !!!

Jake started to perk up by the end of the day and thankfully he had a good hour or more playing with Logan and his new toys. We slept over at my Mom's house which was really fun as Laura, Tyson & Heather were all there. It was a perfect way to end Christmas.

Merry Christmas '09

(Here are just a few more pictures I found)

Courtney playing with the vanity Nana & Grand Dad gave her.

Grand Dad, Lydia & Nana

Jake, Laura (my sister) & Logan

Coco & Jake had so much fun with Twister (day after Christmas)

Nana reading Logan, Coco & Jake a story (day after Christmas)

Courtney and Baby Lydia

Courtney and Baby Lydia
Courtney and her favorite Baby. Baby Lydia. How do I explain to her that baby has moved away? Breaks my heart!!!!

My hot husband!!

My hot husband!!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair & teeth time!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair  & teeth time!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

St. George

St. George

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese
We took Jake and Coco to Chucke Cheese for their first time. We all had a blast!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!