Monday, September 20, 2010

First Lost Tooth !!!

Jake officially lost his very first tooth and from the pictures below you can see that he was super, super, super excited about this!!! Jake's top front tooth has been loose for the past few weeks and a few nights ago his Grand Dad offered to pull it out. Jake claims it didn't hurt and he was very brave!!! Go JAKE!!!




Here is a picture of my Dad! Thanks again Dad!!!

Court was fascinated by all of this. I've caught her a few times looking in the mirror trying to wiggle her teeth. The first time I saw her doing this, I asked her what she was doing and she said "I want the Tooth Fairy to come visit my bed". Too cute eh!!!

Lydia's Back!!

It's sad to admit but I'm still trying to catch up on our summer fun. I apologize for the randomness of my postings but the good news is I'm almost caught up. Yay!!!


My sister Laura and niece Lydia spent 4 weeks of the summer with us. The above picture is of the day Court and Lydia were reunited. I love the joy and excitement that is on their faces. They are definitely BFF's!

Below are a few highlights of some of the fun things we did while they were here.


Of course we had to dress the little girls in matching clothes.


Playing in Nana's back yard


Having fun in Nana's pool


Diaper Butt.. gotta love it!


One afternoon we ventured to Salt Lake. My Mom took Jake & Logan to the Church History Museum (no pictures) and Laura and I took the girls to Liberty Park and Gateway. The girls loved the Merry Go Round and Airplane ride.



They didn't love the Gateway fountain



We ended the fun outing at the Spaghetti Factory.



Here we are having fun at Willard Bay. Do you love Jake's life jacket?? Logan forgot to bring his so Jake was a great sport and offered to wear Courtneys.




Are you shocked? I never, ever, ever swim in Lakes as they are usually way too cold but Willlard Bay's water is somewhat warm so I decided to go for it. Crazy eh!


I love this picture of Coco


Hanging out at the Riverdale splash pad

We enjoyed every minute we had with Laura and Lydia but sadly it still went way too fast. Thanks for all the fun memories Laura & Lydia. We love you XOXO !!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Our little Courtney is constantly making us laugh. If you think of the stereotypical girl, she is it. She loves to get dressed up, wear make up (lip gloss), do her hair, she loves purses, high heel shoes, she loves to shop, sing, dance and she truly believes she's a princess. If she could have her way, she would wear a "princess dress" every day and night. She insists on wearing only pink and purple and she will only eat off of her pink plate and drink out of her purple cup. Oh, and you can't forget her talking, she loves to talk, even when she has nothing to say (this drives Jake crazy and Scott just keeps telling him to get used to it. Lol!). All of this may sound like she's a high maintenance little girl but she is the complete opposite, which is why we just laugh at her being so girly. Courtney is so sweet to everyone, she is super smart, she has the cutest and funnest personality and everyone who meets her falls in love with her.

Below are some cute pictures I've taken over the past few weeks. You can see for yourself what a ham she is.


This is Courts Tinker Bell costume that her cousins gave her. She loves wearing it every chance she gets.


Dressed up and ready to visit the neighbors. Courtney loves our next door neighbors especially their ten year old girl, Mckenna. Everyday Court insists on visiting McKenna and thankfully, McKenna loves Courtney and enjoys playing with her.

The other day my Mom was talking to Courtney telling her how pretty she looked and she replied so innocently "I'm always pretty". Oh dear. Lol!!!


Court insisted on wearing this outfit to Walmart. She even did her own hair. You should of seen the looks we got. Lol!


This is Courtney's little friend, Rainy. The first day she came over to play Court said over and over "Rainy, I love you".


I love this picture because you can see Rainy thinking "who is this girl?" Too funny!!!!


Our neighbors gave this helmet to Courtney which she wore 3 days straight. We at least made her take it off when we left the house, could you imagine the looks we would of got if we hadn't. Lol!!!


Here is Court wearing her 'play' shoes that she forgets are 'play' shoes. She insists on wearing these shoes every where she goes, even to church. I've learned to choose my battles with Courtney and in this situation I had to ask myself. "Will this really matter if she wears these unmatching plastic shoes to church"? NO. "Will it hurt her"? NO. "Will anyone care"? NO. "Well, then I guess we now have new church shoes".


I had to take this picture to document how long Court's hair is getting. It's just so crazy that Scott and I ended up with a blue eyed, blond hair little girl. Never would of thought in a million years but we love it!


One of Scott's and my favorite thing about Courtney is watching her enter a room, when she enters a room it's like she demands this special attention or she knows she has the attention and she goes for it. It's like she's thinking to herself "I'm so awesome". I don't know, it's really hard to explain but we love it, we love the confidence she has in life and in herself.


This is one of my favorite pictures. I'm in the process of changing Courts baby room into a "little girls room". I'm going to blow this up and hang it in there. It goes with my whole flower theme and color scheme. Sooo excited!!!

Bear Lake: Part 2


Here are the rest of my Bear Lake pictures. Thanks Laura!!!!!












.....These last two pictures are my favorite!! .....



And that is the end of my Bear Lake pictures. Well, until next summer!!!! Lol!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Bear Lake: Part 1


We decided to take one last trip to Bear Lake before school started. It was especially fun because my sister, Laura and her daughter Lydia came with us. We all had a blast but Courtney said it the best. At least once or twice a day she said "Mom... I'm Happy"!!! Doesn't get much better than that.

I feel that I need to apologize about the billions of pictures I have posted. For some reason when I go to Bear Lake I get picture crazy and then to have Lydia there I went extra crazy. Lol!!!




Logan & Jake



My sister Laura & I



Heather's boyfriend, Justin, brought his boat up. We had a ton of fun. Thanks Justin!


I love Courts eyes in this picture


Heather and Jake



Check out my super skinny Dad!!!!



Jake being lifted back into the boat after being thrown off the tube.


Laura did this!!!


Court and Lydia


We sure love this little girl


Daddy's little girl


Logan & Lydia


These silly little girls loved giving each other kisses


I bought these matching skirts for our little princesses. Don't they look darling!!


Pure Joy


I was taking these precious shots of Court with her Grand Dad and I didn't realize that Heather & Justin were making funny faces in the back ground. Thanks guys for ruining my pictures. Lol!!!


We love to spend Sunday evenings on the beach, we don't usually let the kids get in the water but when Lydia and Courtney sat in the water we all thought it was super cute and didn't make them get out. They sat like this for close to 20 minutes.

Singing songs with Laura's Ipod


Pool time!!!


Justin making Jake fly


Best Friends!!



More fun on the boat


I love these pictures. Look closely at Court's face... too funny!!!

If you're wondering why I labeled my post "Bear Lake part 1". The reason is; these are just the pictures that I took. I'm still waiting for the CD of all of the pictures that Laura took. I love her camera as her pictures look so much better than mine. So, as soon as I get her CD (hint, hint Laura) I'll post some of her pictures. Ha! Ha! Sorry for the torture!!!

Courtney and Baby Lydia

Courtney and Baby Lydia
Courtney and her favorite Baby. Baby Lydia. How do I explain to her that baby has moved away? Breaks my heart!!!!

My hot husband!!

My hot husband!!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair & teeth time!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair  & teeth time!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

St. George

St. George

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese
We took Jake and Coco to Chucke Cheese for their first time. We all had a blast!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!