Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We finally did it.. she's potty trained!!!

I have to admit that I'm a little embarrassed to be writing this post - but I'm going to put my pride aside and just come out and say it. We finally potty trained Courtney!!! You're wondering why this is embarrassing, it's because Court is almost three and a half years old. I could lie and say the delay was because Courtney wasn't ready but in all honesty it was me, I wasn't ready.

I could go on and on with all my excuses but I'll tell you my biggest one; Fear. I know- kind of pathetic especially because she's my 2nd child, well get this, I didn't potty train Jake. When Jake was two and a half, Scott and I went to Vegas and left Jake with my sister Laura. During the 4 days we were gone Laura thought it would be fun to potty train Jake. She's crazy! We returned home to a son who was completely potty trained, day and night. Sadly, my sister now lives in Oklahoma so we were on our own this time.

3 weeks ago I finally said to Scott that we've just got to buck up and get our 3 year old potty trained. It was getting kind of embarrassing especially when I was at Walmart and the check out lady scanned the diapers, she looked at me and at Court and then had the nerve to tell Court to her face that she was too big for diapers. Totally rude eh!


To help me over come my fear, I did a lot of research and in the process I found Dr. Phil's book- Potty Training In One Day. After reading this book it made me determined to not only potty train Court but to do it in one day!! (my friends thought I was crazy for even thinking I could do this - I thought I was crazy for thinking this, the only thing I knew I had going for me was Courtney's age - I was hoping this would help us succeed with my crazy goal). I chose the date (a Saturday so Scott could help). I bought a doll that goes pee and we tried to prepare and excite Courtney that on Saturday she was going to be a big girl.

We started the day with a prayer, (we needed all the help possible) we had Court throw out all of her diapers into the garbage, we made a potty chart and had lots of stickers. We had Court teach her new baby doll to pee on the potty (we made a potty chart for her doll as well). We ate salty snacks, drank a ton and we cheered- a lot. My nephew Logan was at our house the whole day playing with Jake so the two of them combined with Scott and I made up a great cheering section. We also called Grandmas and Grandpas to share the exciting progress. It was a huge family affair and I'll admit it was kind of fun.

So, to make a long story short and to not bore you to death (if I haven't already) all I will say is- we did it. By Saturday evening Courtney was using the potty regularly. We had one accident on Saturday and one on Sunday but after that we haven't had any. Courtney has also woken up dry every morning (I'm too cheap to buy pull ups so this was not an option). Courtney finally went poop on Tuesday and since then we haven't had any problems in that area (except at my friend Steph's house - again, so so so sorry). Over all I have to say we've been very successful.

It's now been three weeks and Courtney is still doing great. We're so proud of her and as pathetic as it may sound I'm also proud of Scott and I.

Next step... getting rid of the binky (don't judge me). Lol!!!

Courtney and Baby Lydia

Courtney and Baby Lydia
Courtney and her favorite Baby. Baby Lydia. How do I explain to her that baby has moved away? Breaks my heart!!!!

My hot husband!!

My hot husband!!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair & teeth time!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair  & teeth time!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

St. George

St. George

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese
We took Jake and Coco to Chucke Cheese for their first time. We all had a blast!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!