Ethel Ruth Schow Woolf
Born: June 21st, 1919
Passed Away: April 21st, 2011

My Grandma passed away last month at the age of 91. She lived an amazing life and although we were sad to say good bye most of the family couldn't help smiling as we imagined her reunion with her sweet heart, my Grandpa, her Mom and Dad, all of her sibblings and most of all, her Savior.
My Grandma lived a good life, she raised 3 daughters and 1 son (my Dad). She served loyally in the church and temple, she loved to cook, garden, she loved her grandchildren and she was always making us laugh. I'm thankful that Scott was able to experience sitting around my Aunt Peggy's kitchen table and all of us laughing with tears in our eyes as Grandma entertain all of us.
Because my Grandma lived such a good life her funeral was more of a celebration of her life. There were tears but also many smiles and laughter because that's how she would of liked it. I'm so thankful that I was able to be at my Grandma's funeral. Courtney and I drove up with my parents and we spent a few days in Canada. Not only was the funeral one of the most special funerals I've ever been to but being with all of my extended family was also special and I have to say I had a wonderful trip.
One of my favorite moments was the family viewing we had the night before the funeral. All of my Aunts & Uncles and cousins met at the funeral home and we all took turns sharing our favorite memories of Grandma.
One of the favorite memories I heard was from my cousin Emily who told the story of how she remembered seeing Gradma kneeling by her bed saying her prayers and how she was so touched by this. You see, my Grandma had arthritis for over 0ver 40 years of her life and if her faith was strong enough to endure the pain of kneeling each night then I honestly don't have an excuse at all. I will remember her example forever. Thank you Grandma.
My other favorite story was how another cousin Natalie was sitting by my Grandma's bed on one of the last few days of her life and how she asked Grandma if she could hear Grandpa whistling for her. My Grandpa always had this special whistle that he used to get my Grandma's attention or to summon her because she would always be talking to people. In response to Natalie's question she said "He's never stopped whistling for me". My Grandma and Grandpa had the most amazing love for each other, they both adored each other and took care of each other. It's a love that I strive to have with Scott when were 90 years old.
While sitting at my Grandma's funeral and listening to my Aunt Peggy tell the story of her life, it hit me so strongly of how truly special my Grandma really was and what a legacy she left behind. My Grandma was never rich, she didn't live in a big house, she didn't win awards, she wasn't famous but what she left behind was better then all of that combined. She left this earth with three faithful generations; her children, her childrens' children and their children. Sitting next to me was my Cousin Becky's youngest boy who was singing a hymn without a hymn book. I looked at him then looked at all my cousins kids and i couldn't help smiling. We are continuing my Grandma's legacy right now, we're all tring to teach our children about Christ and we're helping them gain their own testimony. None of us are perfect but like my Grandma's example we are all trying to do our very best to live the way she lived her life and the way we know our Savior wants us to live. We all have the same goal. I'm so thankful for my Grandma's funeral as it helped me put in perspective of why we're truly here on earth. I'm thankful for my Grandma who will forever be an example of who I want to be and her memory will always help me remember the real reason of why I'm here - family and the gospel. Thank you Grandma for everything. I love you and I miss you but I know some day we will be together forever.
Courtney had the time of her life with all of her "new cousins" (that's what she called them). The last time we were in Canada she was only 7 months old so of course she didn't remember it and it was fun for me to have everyone meet her.
Courtney was an angel on the 12 hour car ride up and down. She watched a lot of movies, colored, sang, talked and played with toys. I was a little worried as we had only been driving for 5 minutes and she asked when we were going to be in Canada but thankfully that was the only time she asked and the rest of the ride she didn't complain, whine or cry. Truly an angel.
This is the last time I was with my Grandma, October 2008.

Noel Conrad (my cousin Natalie's daughter). She is also 3 years old. She and Courtney became instant kindred spirits.

More Conrad cousins.

My Mom and cousin Debra at the family viewing.

More Conrad and Ash cousins

Madison Ash and my sister Heather

Debora, Heather, Justin and Uncle Terry Holt

My cousin Jen Ash and I

Aaron Ash,Scott Walker, Aunt Sharan Walker, Angela Walker, Jen Ash, Madison Ash

Adam Ash & Mackenzie Ash

My sweet Aunt Peggy and cousin Spencer Ash. Thank you Aunt Peggy for all of the yummy food and comfy beds. You know that your house is my 2nd home. Thank you thank you!!

Heather and I were in charge of putting together this memory table for the funeral

My cousin Barb and her little niece Katie at the funeral

My Dad with my cousin Aaron. My Dad was the main speaker at the funeral and he did an amazing job.

Crystal Cahoon

They had a nursery during the funeral for all of the young kids. Courtney had a blast.

My Aunt Beverly and Uncle Richard Smith (from my Mom's side) came from the farm. I was so, so, so excited to see them. Thank you for supporting us.

My Mom & Dad

Conrad family

Holt family

Because the funeral was on Easter weekend and it was Courtney's first funeral ever. She was convinced that Grandma was going to wake up in three days. I tried to explain that that was just Jesus but she didn't get it so I just started agreeing with her "yes Courtney, Grandma will wake up in 3 days". It's now been over a month and she hasn't asked me anything more about it so I think we're good. I do have to say she is such a ham, Courtney only met my Grandma when she was 7 months old but the entire trip she would look at me with sad eyes and say "I miss Grandma Woolf so much". Too cute.
This is Courtney on Easter morning with her Easter basket and looking for eggs.

Playing with her 'new Conrad cousins'

I had never met Joseph Conrad, he's one years old and such a cutie. Fell in love with him instantly.

I have to tell you really fast that Jake and Scott had the best boy weekend ever. They had so much fun that Jake was actually sad to have us come home. My feelings weren't hurt, well maybe a little. Lol!! I'm just glad they had a fun weekend and fun Easter without us.