Scott & I took our kids to The Walmart Santa Clause and yes, we like the Free Santa with the Free pictures !!! We tried to prepare Courtney but as soon as she saw him...well in this case the picture says it all. Soooo funny!
Jake was really excited to see Santa and told Santa in a very clear voice that he wanted a Batman House or Battle Force 5.
Happy Birthday Margaret!!!
Last Friday, Scott's sister Emily planned a surprise party for their Mom who turned 60. We surprised her at the restaurant Maddox Steak House. She was extremely surprised when she walked in and saw us all there. It was a fun evening of yummy food & visits. We sure love you Margaret. Thanks for being an incredible Mom to Scott, an amazing Grandma to our kids and thank you for being such a wonderful Mother in-law to me. We love you so much!!!
Here is Jake with his Grandma. All the kids made a homemade gift for her Birthday. It was really sweet and such a good idea, thanks Emily for putting this all together.
Scott's eldest brother Matt and wife Gidget.
Scott's younger brother Mike and his wife Elise (who is due in less than 2 weeks!!) and their 2 year old daughter Aiva.
Scott's youngest brother Tommy who is also really weird. We call him the "special" brother. (Just kidding Tommy). Also with him is his wife Amber (who is also pregnant) and their 3 year old son Tyler.
Scott's older brother Dave with his wife Jen and youngest daughter Jane.
Mother and daughter (Scott's older sister Emily).
Ahhh Happy Birthday to Margaret! She so does NOT look 60, I had to double read that! Everyone looks great, I feel like I haven't seen any of you guys forever!