Sunday, March 14, 2010

Welcome Armoire

For the past nine years... my quest in life has been to find an armoire at a garage sale. I've wanted an armoire forever!!! I love the idea of hiding your tv and not making it the center of your room. I've seen a few armoires I really liked at stores but my gosh the prices were ridiculous.
To make a long story short... nine years later, still no luck. If I ever came across an armoire at a gargage sale it was either broken, I didn't like it or it was sold. Usually always the later. So when my brother in-law called to ask me if I wanted his friends armoire, my first questions was; how much? Free. Second question; Can you send me a picture? Loved it. Answer; Yes!
When the armoire arrived it was love at first sight. My next concern was whether it would fit the kind of tv that Scott wanted. You see, we have the ugliest tv in the world (see older post) and I've wanted to get rid of it for a very long time. After measuring the armoire I estimated that it could fit a 41 inch flat screen tv. My fingers were crossed that this was finally the opportunity and dream all in one. I could get rid of our ugly tv, finally have my dream armoire and Scott could get his new HD tv we have been saving for. Again, my fingers were crossed!
To make another long story short. The next day we headed to Best Buy, we measured their t.v.'s. and bought a tv. Yeah! We went to Walmart to buy paint supplies and 24 hours later we had a newly stained armoire with a new tv sitting in our family room.
See... Dreams do come true. LOL!!!


This is what the armoire looked like when it was delivered.


This is the inside.


It took me about 7 hours of sanding & staining. I love refinishing furniture, I'm definitely not a pro, but I enjoy trying to figure it out. I've taught myself through experimenting, many mistakes, talking to Lowes and Micheal's people, researching the internet and watching demonstrations on You Tube.



Finished Product!!! Do you love it?? I do, I'm so proud of how well it turned out. I tried doing the antique look, the picture doesn't show all the details so who ever wants to come see it in person is more than welcome to. LOL!!!


This is the inside of the armoir. Scott took apart the top to fit the t.v. It was orginaly a computer armoire.


This is how it looks inside my house.


And this is how it looks with the new t.v. in it. Scott enjoys watching his new t.v. and I enjoy staring at my armoire. Lol!!!


  1. WOW, you did a great job. I love the darker stain. I bet that looks awesome!!

  2. LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! Especially in person!

  3. Wow! You are amazing! It looks great and of course it it always fun to get a new great piece of furniture!

  4. WOW sister! It looks amazing!!!!! I am so impressed. It was definitely meant to be that is for sure....and FREE which is the best part of all!

  5. Great job on the staining. I love it!

  6. Uncle Terry and I are SO SO IMPRESSED with your project!! You are one creative genius! Did I remember to say TERRY was impressed, no seriously. He wants to hire you to help him now! Good for you Sarah!!!


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