Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A new trend?

The picture below is Courtney (3 months old) wearing her blessing dress.


My sweet neighbor, Ana Marie, volunteered to make me this beautiful dress. She heard me complaining one day about not being able to find my dream blessing dress (I wanted a white dress with a pink bow). The dress turned out gorgeous, better than I had even imagined. I loved it and I still love it! (Thank you again Ana Marie!)


The blessing dress now hangs in Courtney's room as a decoration.


The past few months, Court has pointed to her blessing dress asking to wear it. She calls it the "princess dress". I've had to explain to her over and over that it's a baby dress and it's too small. One day after telling Courtney no for the billionth time, I was frustrated, so I got the dress down to put on her so she could see for herself that it was too small. I figured this would finally put an end to her asking and whining.

BUT....this is what happened.....


The dress fit her perfectly. Even more perfectly than it fit her when she was a baby.

I was totally baffled.. I still am???? It doesn't make sense to all!!!

So far, Court has worn her "blessing dress" three times and she loves it. She prances around like she's a "real" princess, it's sooo cute! Scott and I figure we might as well get the most use out of the dress as we can. Lol!!!

I do have a favor to ask... If any of you have a daughter around Court's age, can you try on her blessing dress and then let me know the outcome? I'm curious... maybe this will start a new trend?? Two year olds wearing their blessing dresses, who would of ever thought???? LOL!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

May 21st, 2001 (9 years!!)

"What does it mean to love someone with all your heart? It means to love with all your emotional feelings and with all your devotion. Surely when you love your wife with all your heart, you cannot demean her, criticize her, find fault with her, or abuse her by words, sullen behavior, or actions.

"What does it mean to 'cleave unto her'? It means to stay close to her, to be loyal and faithful to her, to communicate with her, and to express your love for her. "Love means being sensitive to her feelings and needs. She wants to be noticed and treasured. She wants to be told that you view her as lovely and attractive and important to you. Love means putting her welfare and self-esteem as a high priority in your life." Ezra Taft Benson

Thank you Scott for loving me this way!!


Thank you for the most amazing 9 years!


Thank you for being my best friend!


I love you!


Several months ago my sister talked me into joining her relay team for the Ogden Marathon, at the time it sounded fun but when it actually came around... I was like "what have I gotten myself into?" My part of the race was 5 miles and this was huge for me as I have only ever ran a 5K. I've been training for a few months but I was still super nervous!!!

My 5 miles went awesome and I felt really good. So, when my sister Heather asked me if I wanted to keep running the last 3 miles I was like "sure,I"m feeling good!!". The first mile was okay but by the 2nd mile I honestly wanted to die or worst quit. But Heather who ran next to me the entire time kept me going... when we met up she already had ran 10 miles so how could I quit on her?? So I kept going... we ran, talked, ran, talked and by the last mile we put our music on and we focused on the finish line. I'm still in awe that I ran 8 miles. I know it's nothing compared to the people who ran a half or a full marathon but for me 8 miles is awesome!!!

So... to most of you who probably don't believe that I acutally ran... here are some pictures for proof!! LOL!!!

(I apologize how blurry they are, they were the best I could get off my Dad's phone)


6 Things I Did Not Like About The Race
  • My alarm clock going off at 4:20a.m.
  • Waiting in the cold for over an hour for the bus to drive us up the canyon
  • Arriving at our destination and having to wait an additional 2 1/2 hours to run my leg of the race

  • Peeing in the porta potties (disgusting)

  • Three of my friends passing me even when I had a head start (lol!)

  • Running (lol!)


11 Things I Loved About The Race

  • Having two friends run the same leg of the race as me. We rode the bus, hung out, talked and helped each other get physched
  • The atmosphere and beautiful weather (once the sun came out)
  • Running the most beautiful part of the race, through the canyon and all down hill
  • All the people who were there cheering us on
  • Seeing my Mom and watching her take off for the last leg of the race
  • Having a cell phone the entire time so I could stay in contact with my family
  • Running the last 3 miles with my sister (she ran a total of 13 miles! A half a marathon!)
  • Seeing Scott, Jake and Coco at the finish line
  • Finishing!!!


Jake was very concerned that I didn't win the race. I tried to explain to him that my goal was finishing but he couldn't grasp this idea. He did think I was pretty cool when I got a medal so at least I'm not a complete disapointment to him. Lol !!


Here is my Mom and Heather after the race. My Mom joined us the last two blocks of the race, it was fun running to the finish line with both my Mom and sister!!!

I've been asked if I would do this again? Definitely yes! But, I'm now thinking "maybe I could do a half marathon??" I now know I can run 8 miles..what's another 5 miles on top of that (with training lol!).

Untill then or at least for a few weeks... I'm going to enjoy my couch and tv.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mother's Day

It doesn't get much better than these two little people!!! Crazy how much I love them!


It's crazy how much I love this one too. Scott spoke in church on Mother's day and he did amazing. I'm not sure how I pulled off marrying such an incredible man but I did and I'm forever grateful. Love ya babe!!

(Scott in full concentration mode..he takes his grilling very seriously. LOL!)

The Osenbach's, Logan and my kids enjoying a Mother's Day Feast.


My amazing Mother in-law who is so wonderful to me and my family. I love you!!!


Words can't even come close to describe how amazing my Mom is. I feel so blessed to have a Mom like her. Thank you Mom for everything you do! I love you XOXO


(ps. Mom, we really need to take a picture of just you and I. I went through all of my photo's and I couldn't find a single one. Crazy eh!)

My beautiful cards from my two beautiful children.




I found this quote and it reminded me of a recent conversation my friends and I had regarding being Mom's and all the ups and downs that come with it. I dedicate this quote to my dear friends; each one of you is an amazing person and an extrodinary Mother. Love you so much!!!!

Motherhood brings as much joy as ever, but it still brings boredom, exhaustion, and sorrow too. Nothing else ever will make you as happy or as sad, as proud or as tired, for nothing is quite as hard as helping a person develop his own individuality especially while you struggle to keep your own." - Marguerite Kelly and Elia Parsons

Monday, May 10, 2010

Does this ever hapen to you?????

I'm curious if this ever happens to any of you or if I'm the only one who struggles with taking pictures of my kids?

Here is a play by play of what I usually go through.

I notice Courtney looking darling standing in the corner. I think to myself "that would be such a cute picture". I grab my camera and after taking the picture I realize it is on the wrong setting...


I ask Coco to smile again but she looks down right as I click the picture...


I try again "Smile Courtney" this time she deliberately looks down...


I say in a loud frustrated voice "SMILE COURTNEY", she gets scared and this is the only look I can get out her.... (I don't blame her, poor little thing has a crazy Mom).


I change my voice as sweet as possible and I promise her "one more time" but she walks away mid click...


My stubborness kicks in and I am determined to get that "cute picture". I find Court in the living room and I plead with her to give me a smile but she gives me this goofy grin. What the??? ...


I continue to follow her and I start to beg her for "one more smile". (Do you like all of my empty promises?) She ignores me and heads to the front closet, I'm assuming she does this because she is super annnoyed by her Mother and is trying to find away to get away from me.
I try bribing her... I say "smile and I will give you a sucker".
Okay, so far this is the best one BUT I want to try to get an even cuter one. I can't give up now, I've gone this long... I must get the PERFECT picture. (Yes, I know, I'm crazy)


Smile Courtney :) ...


Smile Cuter Courtney :) ...


Courtney then looks at me and gives me the cutest smile ever... I 'm thinking "this is it, I got it" ... I click the picture but mid click and slow shutter speed she walks away AND this is my final perfect/cute picture. It's a master piece!!


I finally surrender or in better words... I GIVE UP as I come to the realization that this is the best I'll get.


So... does this happen to any of you or should I be nominated for being the worst picture taker ever???

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Editing Pictures


I'm constantly amazed of how addicted I am to my photo editing programs. When I start I can't stop, the next thing I know a couple of hours have passed and I'm like... where are my kids? LOL!!! Ok, maybe that's a small exageration but honestly I love it and I have so much fun doing it.

This is a new trick my sister Laura taught me. Pretty cool eh!!

Now, don't get me wrong... I am soooo not a pro, I wouldn't even consider myself a beginner. I'm more in the category of "pre-beginner-beginner". But, I'm having a blast learning the techniques and I love doing it. And, maybe one day my pictures will look as amazing as my sister Laura's?? Ok, probably not but it's something to work towards and like I said before, it's a blast!!!

My next step is to buy a good quality camera, maybe for my upcoming Birthday ?? (Hint, Hint Scott) LOL!!!

Soccer Star

For the past month and all of last fall we have spent an hour each Saturday morning cheering on our Soccer Star. This is Jake's second year playing soccer, he is really good at it and he loves it. He averages around 3-5 goals a game! Here are some fun pictures of his most recent game. His team is called the Bumble Bee's (The Transformer Bumble Bee's).

Courtney loves going to Jake's soccer games. She cheers for the first few minutes but then gets distracted with her snacks, water, the playground, adventure walks with grand dad and her own soccer game. Here are some fun pictures of Courtney at Jake's soccer game.


We're always so thankful for the support my family and Scott's family give Jake. He always has the biggest cheering section.

We're so proud of Jake!! Jake always wants to play his best and he always wants to get better. He practices soccer daily by himself and with his Dad. He's a great team player who cheers on his team mates and gives them high five's. And, most importantly he has FUN!!!

Go Jake!!!

Uh oh!


Will it ever stop?????????

Courtney and Baby Lydia

Courtney and Baby Lydia
Courtney and her favorite Baby. Baby Lydia. How do I explain to her that baby has moved away? Breaks my heart!!!!

My hot husband!!

My hot husband!!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair & teeth time!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair  & teeth time!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

St. George

St. George

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese
We took Jake and Coco to Chucke Cheese for their first time. We all had a blast!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!