Monday, May 10, 2010

Does this ever hapen to you?????

I'm curious if this ever happens to any of you or if I'm the only one who struggles with taking pictures of my kids?

Here is a play by play of what I usually go through.

I notice Courtney looking darling standing in the corner. I think to myself "that would be such a cute picture". I grab my camera and after taking the picture I realize it is on the wrong setting...


I ask Coco to smile again but she looks down right as I click the picture...


I try again "Smile Courtney" this time she deliberately looks down...


I say in a loud frustrated voice "SMILE COURTNEY", she gets scared and this is the only look I can get out her.... (I don't blame her, poor little thing has a crazy Mom).


I change my voice as sweet as possible and I promise her "one more time" but she walks away mid click...


My stubborness kicks in and I am determined to get that "cute picture". I find Court in the living room and I plead with her to give me a smile but she gives me this goofy grin. What the??? ...


I continue to follow her and I start to beg her for "one more smile". (Do you like all of my empty promises?) She ignores me and heads to the front closet, I'm assuming she does this because she is super annnoyed by her Mother and is trying to find away to get away from me.
I try bribing her... I say "smile and I will give you a sucker".
Okay, so far this is the best one BUT I want to try to get an even cuter one. I can't give up now, I've gone this long... I must get the PERFECT picture. (Yes, I know, I'm crazy)


Smile Courtney :) ...


Smile Cuter Courtney :) ...


Courtney then looks at me and gives me the cutest smile ever... I 'm thinking "this is it, I got it" ... I click the picture but mid click and slow shutter speed she walks away AND this is my final perfect/cute picture. It's a master piece!!


I finally surrender or in better words... I GIVE UP as I come to the realization that this is the best I'll get.


So... does this happen to any of you or should I be nominated for being the worst picture taker ever???


  1. I love the Play-by-play. It is really true. But I think that you last a lot longer then me. I give up pretty quick most of the time. She is still so cute in any of these though! So funny!

  2. Ha ha. You're a geek and I love you! Looks like I need to come and take some pictures for you!!! Jk. You do gets lots of great shots! She is so dang cute!!!

  3. Who cares about THE CUTE picture when there is such a hilarious commentary to read to go with ALL the 'happening' pictures!!! You are so fun to read Sarah....and back to your question..."Dang it yes, but we keep on trying!" Hugs.

  4. Of course this happens to EVERYONE. We all love the perfect picture.....I haven't gotten there yet. I'm just not a perfect picture taker. I'm lucky when I have a camera. Love the commentary too, you are hilarious. I can just see you following her and her running funny. It's all good!

  5. Yes, I have that problem with Aiva too. Especially the goofy faces. Also, I have the internet now! Yeah!

  6. lol. I must say that Coco is the most fashionable girl I have ever seen. Really! Everytime I see you blog and there are pictures of her she has the best outfits ever! SO you can keep practicing to get those awsome pictures with her cute smile.

  7. Too funny Sarah! This is all so true and EXACTLY how it happens for me as well.


Courtney and Baby Lydia

Courtney and Baby Lydia
Courtney and her favorite Baby. Baby Lydia. How do I explain to her that baby has moved away? Breaks my heart!!!!

My hot husband!!

My hot husband!!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair & teeth time!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair  & teeth time!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

St. George

St. George

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese
We took Jake and Coco to Chucke Cheese for their first time. We all had a blast!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!