Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas Eve Eve

I can't believe it's almost the middle of January and I'm now posting about our Christmas. Sadly I don't have an excuse other then I haven't felt like posting. I don't know if you call it the Christmas blues, my sister Laura going home blues or just the blues in general??? What ever I've been feeling lately hasn't been much fun but thankfully I've started to feel better. Yesterday I finally took down Christmas (I've never, ever left it up this late)!!! Today my goal is to catch up on my Christmas Posts. So here we go...

The morning before Christmas Eve we went to the Crest Wood Care Center where all of the kids in Scott's family put on the Nativity for the elderly. This is our 2nd year doing this and it's become one of my favorite Christmas traditions. I'm hoping that even when Scott's Mom is released from her calling we will still be able to find away to continue this tradition. I can't think of a better way to begin Christmas then to serve and bring joy to these amazing elderly people.


Courtney was given the part of the Star and she took it very seriously. Even when all of the Angels had wandered off or had sat down she continued to stand holding her Gold Star high in the air. She was darling.





Jake and Tyty were the Shephards and they too did a fantastic job.


Here's our little Star.

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