Friday, September 2, 2011

Best Birthday Ever - Part 2

To begin to explain Part 2 of my Best Birthday Ever, I have to start with describing my friends. First off, I have to say that throughout my life I've been blessed with amazing friends, as I look back through my life I find it extrodinary to see that my friends came into my life at certain moments and time. Each time was when I needed that certain friend at that certain moment. Throughout my life my friends were able to give me something and fill something that was needed in my life and for this I will forever be grateful for everyone of them who have left an imprint in my life and who are continuing to leave an imprint in life.

The group of friends I want to talk about right now are no exception. These friends were brought into my life through the Young Women's program and for this I know we were brought together for a reason. What I think makes us such a special group is we were put together to serve together but we chose to be friends. It's been over a year since we've been released and we are all still very close, we see each other each month for our girls night out, when ever it's someones birthday, play groups, parties, BBQ's and any other reason we can find time to get together. In total there are 7 of us and you honestly couldn't find more different personalities than what we have - but we figure that's why it works. We have the shy and quiet ones, we have the loud and obnoxious ones. Lol!! We have funny, sarcastic, speak your mind types. We have the flirtatious, crazy, spiritual and fun personalities. You name it we have it and seriously, when you put all those types of personalities together you get Crazy Fun!!! There are some nights when my stomach hurts so much because we've been laughing so hard. Besides all the fun we have - we also know everything about each other. My friends are always there to listen to me, support me, give me advice and help me know that I'm not alone. We've also been through a lot together - we went through some tough times together, thankfully that crazy time is over but one thing I know is that I'll forever be grateful for the trials we endured together as they bonded us in a special way and helped us become deeper and truer friends. Love you girls XOXOX !!!


Ok, so enough sappy stuff - onto my Birthday Part 2!!! Julie and my birthday are 2 days apart so instead of going out to dinner as we usual do, we decided to go to Park City for the night to celebrate!!


I copied this picture off of Julie's blog, sorry it's kind of blurry. (left to right) Brandi, Julie, Tonya and me! Linds and Lace joined us the next day.


We had a blast going out for dinner, walking main street and eating ice cream. This is the real Birthday Girl - Julie! She's still a baby - only turned 29!


Brandi and Tonya


So, check out this note. Is it the funniest thing you've ever seen? This is the story - Brandi was parking the car in the car lot next to Main St. and this boy on a skate board (probably around 19, 20?) stopped and helped her back into a parking spot. We didn't think anything of it we just thanked him and went on our way. A few hours later we got back to the car and found this note. Can you say best birthday present ever!!! Lol!! In our late 20's and 30's and we still got it. Lol!!!


Tonya's my hero, we only planned on spending one night so when she started unpacking her suitcase we couldn't stop laughing. She packed everything - an iron, a huge box of women stuff, an entire first aid kit. I mean you name it she had it. Love you Tonya!!!


The rest of the night we spent in our hotel talking until 3 or 4 in the morning. Scott totally doesn't get girls. He was so confused - he said "so you just sat in a hotel room and talked?" Um yeah!!! That's what girls do.


Lace and Lynds joined us in the morning for breakfast and shopping!!


Sadly, Sara W couldn't come :( but here's the rest of the gang.


We honestly shopped till we dropped, not sure if it was the hot weather or the lack of sleep but by lunch time we were all exhausted and ready to eat and go home.

Thanks girls for such a fun memory. Can't wait until next time!

Random thought: I had a blast writing about this group of friends and (if they read my blog) they'll see how much they mean to me. How fun would that be to start highlighting special people in my life and letting them know what they mean to me or helped me with in my life. It's funny how you think nice thoughts about people but do you ever really take the time to tell them? Or think of those people who aren't your friends but who you look up to and they have no idea that you look up to them. I'm thinking my blog could be away to tell everyone in my life how much they mean to me. Hmmm??? I'm going to ponder this thought ...


  1. Gosh, first you do have HOT friends. You forgot the part of your story when you girls didn't even realize you could have texted them and had a little fun. Ha ha. Too funny! PS. I love your random thought. I thought of doing that too back when I first started blogging. I did it a little bit for people's birthdays, but that is all. I like it. You should do it!

  2. How fun to have such a great group of girlfriends! Your friend, Tonya is my kind of packer, I usually pack half my house when I go places, lol, you never know what you might need ;)

    I love your idea of highlighting different people in your life, I love to hear about my friend's and family's friends and why they love them or how they've helped them, etc.


Courtney and Baby Lydia

Courtney and Baby Lydia
Courtney and her favorite Baby. Baby Lydia. How do I explain to her that baby has moved away? Breaks my heart!!!!

My hot husband!!

My hot husband!!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair & teeth time!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair  & teeth time!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

St. George

St. George

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese
We took Jake and Coco to Chucke Cheese for their first time. We all had a blast!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!