BOY!!! Yes it's official, well as official as it can be from the ultrasound but yes, we're having a boy. We took the kids to the Doctor with us. Jake and Scott were hoping for a boy, Court really wanted a girl and I was honestly ok with either. When the Doctor said it was a boy Jake and Scott cheered but poor little Courtney's eyes filled with tears and kept asking to go home. When I was alone with her she broke down and cried her eyes out telling me how much she wanted a little girl. It was quite heart breaking and definitely brought back memories of Jake who cried when he found out he was having a sister. Thankfully in Jake's case after a few hours he accepted that he was going to have a little sister and we never heard anything again but NOT in Courts case. It's now been a few days since we've known and a few times each day she'll still say in a very quiet and sad voice "Mom, why can't I have a sister"? I know in time she'll come around. Scott's brother just barely welcomed a little girl to their family and we have another little girl cousin coming in September so Courtney will have plenty of little baby girls in her life and I know once she meets her little brother she'll fall madly in love with him.
As for me I'm pretty excited myself. I've kept everything of Jake's so I won't have to do a lot of shopping. What I think makes it the most exciting is seeing my husbands excitement. The other day Scott said "Sarah, I love you even more now knowing you're carrying my son". This made me bust up laughing, he of course was completley joking, he's such a corn ball.
So that's our news but I'll admit that right now I'm feeling a little down. It's always fun waiting and finding out what we're having but now that we know and the excitement is over, I'm like "now what???" That's when I realized the next excitement will be having the baby and I feel like that will never, ever, ever, ever come. I feel like I've been pregnant forever and I'm not even half way through my pregnancy. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I'll just continue taking it one day at a time. Wish me luck!!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
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Courtney and Baby Lydia

Courtney and her favorite Baby. Baby Lydia. How do I explain to her that baby has moved away? Breaks my heart!!!!
My hot husband!!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair & teeth time!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

St. George

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese

We took Jake and Coco to Chucke Cheese for their first time. We all had a blast!
almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!

Sarah, Congrats on your boy!! I have been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. I am glad that you are beginning to feel better! I totally get that feeling that it feels like forever that that little babe makes you so uncomfortable and that you can't imagine that it could be that long until they are coming. One of those things that in the moment seems hard to imagine getting through it. I remember that is how you felt when we visited, with getting through the morning sickness. Life is just so crazy with its ups and downs. I am so glad to hear your news and that you are feeling more normal again! We are thinking about you. Take care!
ReplyDeleteHang in there Sarah!!! I know it does seem like forever til the baby will be here....but at least you're feeling so much better right??? Oh, AND you're looking really cute too!! You are a darling pregnant mom!!! Love you tons, Sis!