Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Courtneys 5!

I know I say this every year but I can't believe my little Courtney is now 5. It's amazing how fast time goes, at times I get sad when I think of my little baby Courtney and my toddler Courtney but I have to say that I'm really loving my little girl Courtney. It's been so fun watching her develop into a little girl. I love all the phrases she says, right now she's always saying "this is so weird mom..." Everything to her is weird.  She also says "o my gosh" but she says it so dramatically. And everything she says, no matter what she says "right mom, right".  She makes the most darling expressions with her face. My favorite is when she scrunches her nose when she's asking a question. Courtney loves to talk, from the minute she's awake to the minute she goes to sleep she talks and talks and talks. I love knowing whats always going on in her mind, I love seeing how she sees the world and understands things. Courtney is always kind and loving to others and she's the best big sister Cru could ever have. She mothers him and takes care of him constantly. And she's a fun little sister for Jake. She loves to play all his ninja and avenger games with him and she handles his teasing really well. Courtney will always be the princess of our family. We love you Courtney. Happy Birthday!!!

Courtney's Birthday is on Halloween so the Saturday before we had a big friend Pinkalicious Birthday Party!!!

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Courtney and Baby Lydia

Courtney and Baby Lydia
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Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair  & teeth time!

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Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

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Coco kissing Chucke Cheese
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almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!