I've come to conclusion that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Now don't get me wrong, I love Christmas but there is something that is so simple about Thanksgiving. Maybe that's the reason I love it - because it's simple. Being thankful for your blessings, delicious food and family, it honestly doesn't get better than that. (My mom will cringe when she reads 'simple', she'll be thinking what's simple about cooking a meal for over 30 people? - I get that but you have to agree that it's a hundred times more simple than Christmas).
This year as a family we made a list of everything we're grateful for, I wanted to see how long we could make it - I think we got to 156 things we're thankful for. Next year will start sooner and try to get to 500. After you get passed the normal (but most important ones) such as family, Jesus, Temples, scriptures etc... the rest become very random. I found out my kids are thankful for pillows, leaves, carpet, pilgrims, teeth, x-box, bunny rabbits etc... The funniest is when Court started saying she was thankful for tables, chairs, bowls, plates. Jake stopped her and said "Court, are you just looking at things and saying you're thankful for them?" This cracked Scott and I up as it's one of our favorite movie quotes from Anchor Man "I love lamp".
Sorry, that was kind of random. Back to Thanksgiving. What I'm most thankful for in my life right now is- my life. I know this sounds really general but it's true. I love everything about my life including the sometimes bad stuff but thankfully it's mostly good stuff. I'm thankful for my amazing husband, my beautiful and healthy children, both our families, the gospel, our Saviour, my health, my home, being able to stay at home, Scott's job, my friends, my Aunts and Uncles etc... My list is truly endles and I'm thankful for this as well.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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