Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Bust

I don't know what it is about my kids but they either have the worst timing for getting sick or they can't handle anything fun. Here are just a few of many examples - tell me if you can't see some kind of pattern.

1. Jake's 1st grade field trip to Dinosaur Park - the night before he throws up and misses it.

2. Halloween Night - Jake's trick or treating but gets a stomach ache and I have to take him home and he misses out on the rest of the night.

3. Lagoon day with Scott's family - The night before Jake throws up and gets a fever and we can't go.

4. Courtney's first day of pre school - The night before she throws up and has to miss her first day.

5. The latest one - Courtney has her first pre-school field trip to a Pumpkin Patch. When we arrive she starts acting grumpy and won't smile. The whole time she complains of a tummy ache, we end up having a miserable time and leaving early.

So, the question is - is this all just a crazy coincidence and my kids have the worst luck ever??? Or, can they honestly not have fun or can't handle the idea of fun and some how they make themselves sick??? All I know is I'm getting sick of my kids getting sick on the 'fun days'. Grrrrr!!!

Here are some pictures of Courtney's field trip to the Pumpkin Patch. You can tell by her eyes that she's not feeling well.





Courtney's friend Emma



Poor thing.

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