Saturday, October 1, 2011

First Day of School & First Day of Preschool


Our new 2nd grader. Isn't he sooo handsome. I know I'm totally bias but dang I think my little boy is cute.

I met Jake at the bus stop waiting anxioulsy to hear how his first day of school went. When he saw me he ran to me with a huge grin on his face and said "It was awesome"! Best words a Mom could hear. Jake's new teacher is Mrs. Wayment and he absolutely adores her. Most of his friends are in his class and he even liked what they served at lunch.

I think we're on our way towards another great school year!!!


Jake waiting at his bus stop.


Courtney ready for her first day of preschool. Sadly, this is really the 2nd day of pre-school, on the real first day of school Court threw up the night before and had to miss it. She was too sick to really care but thought it was pretty neat when her teacher showed up at our house with a balloon and to see how she was feeling.

Courtney is taking preschool at a neighbors house down the street (very convenient). Her teacher's name is Ms. Krisilyn who Courtney already loves to death. Most of her classmates are girls which Court has informed me are all her friends. She goes twice a week and loves, loves, loves every second of it.



Courtney showing off her new back pack.

1 comment:

Courtney and Baby Lydia

Courtney and Baby Lydia
Courtney and her favorite Baby. Baby Lydia. How do I explain to her that baby has moved away? Breaks my heart!!!!

My hot husband!!

My hot husband!!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair & teeth time!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair  & teeth time!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

St. George

St. George

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese
We took Jake and Coco to Chucke Cheese for their first time. We all had a blast!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!