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Court went to Dance Camp again in August and again had a blast! I'm really excited about this new Dance Company that I moved her to. Courtney already adores her new teacher, she's already learned a ton and has made a some new friends.
I'm on the final countdown for my due date. Any day now!!! Yay!! I can't express how excited I am to meet my new baby boy but also selfishly I'm excited to be pain free. Looking back at the past nine months I can honestly say they've been some of the hardest nine months of my life. I could go on and on and tell you how hard it's been, what i've been through etc.. But I don't want to, what I want to tell you is how truly blessed I've been and how grateful I am for everyone who has helped me.
I'll start with my husband (he hates when I'm cheesy but right now I don't care lol) I can't express in enough words how grateful I am for how supportive and patient Scott has been with me, I definitely have not been the easiest person to live with and I know he's been under a lot of stress worrying about me and taking care of me and the kids. I'm truly grateful for all that he's done, I'm also grateful that he's a faithful priesthood holder as I've needed the power of the priesthood these past months. Thank you Scott- I love you so much. And thank you for continuing to make me laugh.
I'm grateful for my two kids who have put up with a not so fun Mom. I'm blessed to have two little angels in my life.
I'm grateful for my family who has helped me with anything I've needed these past nine months, whether it was meals, taking care of my kids, listening to me vent or cry, whatever I've needed they've been their for me. I don't know how I was so blessed to have been born in such an amazing and loving family.
I'm grateful for my friends who have also been their for me, especially the ones who were pregnant at the same time as me. It's always comforting knowing that you aren't alone. I honestly don't know how I would of gotten through the first few months of my pregnancy without my friends, I was definitely in a down fall but they helped me get out of it and helped me get moving and helped me start feeling better. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for their love, their patience, for making me laugh and for listening to me.
When I look back on this pregnancy the one thing I will never forget and the one thing I am most grateful for is my Saviors love. He has been beside me the entire time and I know this because I have felt him next to me. I would not of been able to get through a single day had I not had his help. I prayed daily for him to take away my pain and to make me feel better but he didn't, he gave me something more. He gave me a stronger testimony of his love, he helped me have more patients, to feel more empathy towards others, he helped me gain a stronger testimony of the scriptures and showed me the power that is within them, he helped me understand better that I need to surrender my life to him, he knows best. He loved me through it all and I know he will always love me.
In the next few days my life is going to change forever as we welcome a new little spirit into this world. I'll admit I'm a little nervous starting all over, I'm also a little scared about my last hurdle that I have to get through once our baby is born, but I know that I'm not alone and with my Savior next to me, my husband, children, family and my friends support I'll be able to get through what ever else comes my way.
My friends insisted on throwing me a baby shower. I said no at first as I already have a boy and a girl but they kept insisting and so I finally gave in as long as they called it a Girls Night Out/Baby Shower. They reserved the top floor of Roosters Restaurant and it ended up being a ton of fun. I hate, hate being center of attention but I survived. Lol!!! Thank you to everyone who came. It was so much fun and you all definitely spoiled me way too much!!!
Jake and Courtney were sooo excited to see their little brothers new things!! Too fun!!
For years Scott has been talking about putting Jake into Tackle Football when he's 8 years old and I'd fight with him everytime he'd bring it up. But the dreaded Football season arrived and Jake was all for it. We explained to him that it would be lots of hard work, time consuming, he'd miss a ton of things etc.. But Jake was all for it. So football season officially began the end of July and wow it's been quite the experience.
I thought I knew what I was getting myself into but I wasn't even close. Practice is Tuesday-Friday for one and a half hours per day. Games are at least two hours every Saturday but Jake has to be there at least an hour early before the game for warm up and practice.
You can't miss a practice else you're written up and then you can't play the next game. Coaches are strict, mean and they love to yell at the little boys.
I won't even get into Team Moms - all I can say is.. Wow!!
The football gear is the biggest pain in the butt to put on and off BUT.. with all of this craziness Jake LOVES it and I'm beginning to love it. Ok, I'm tired of getting Jake to and from practices everyday and I'm tired not being able to do anything in the evenings because of football but I can't even express how exciting and fun his games are on Saturdays. I've never been a football fan, I've never even taken the time to really learn the game (I know pathetic) but with Jake playing I've had to learn all about the game and I'll admit... football is such a fun sport to watch. I also have to admit, and yes this is going to sound really, really, cheesy but when I see my little boy running for a touch down I get teary eyed. Too funny eh!
Oh, and did I mention that Jake has been the quarterback all season. Scott and I were definitely not expecting this at all, especially as it's Jake's first year, we know none of the coaches or kids on the team (all of our friends and Jake's friends play on the Plain City team but where we live we have to play on the West Haven team with kids from a different elementary). So again, totally not expecting Jake to play quarterback but amazingly he's done really well. Jake has a natural athletic ability but he also loves Math so he loves all the plays, he studies them at night, memorizes them really fast and understands instantly what the coaches tell him to do.
With Jake playing quarterback, this has added so much more stress in my life. As I told you before, I'm learning all about the game of football and watching Jake I've realized that the quarterback gets tackled a ton, he gets yelled at the most and he has the most pressure on him at all time. AHHHH!!!! Every game I'm surprised that I don't go into Labor. Lol!!
But again, Jake loves all of it. The first game was a little rocky as he wasn't used to being yelled at so much but he's taken it all in stride and seems to be handling the pressure really well now. He averages about 2 touchdowns per game and so far his team is #1 in their region.
Jake has had two games up in Logan and both times they played on the High School Football field with real green turf. Jake thought it was soooo cool!! I just think all the little boys look so adorable!
So I have to brag about my sister Laura. This year I nominate her as "AUNT OF THE YEAR". All Summer we've been telling Jake that we would take him to Lagoon, he hasn't been since he was a little boy and he's been wanting to for a loooong time. At the beginning of August we had it scheduled but at the last minute something came up and it fell through. Life got really busy and all of a sudden when I looked at the Calendar he only had one day left in August that he could go, all the other days were scheduled with foot ball practice.
Our dillema was Scott couldn't get off work, I was 8 months pregnant so I couldn't take him, I called all of his Uncles, our friends, neighbors to see if anyone could take him. The night before I was talking to my sister Laura and telling her how guilty I felt that we were not able to get Jake to Lagoon this summer when she interrupted me and said "I'll take him".
And just like that it was planned. She picked him up the next day, they arrived at Lagoon at exactly 11am and stayed till it closed 10pm. They rode every ride, some even twice, went to Lagoona Beach, ate a ton of food, watched shows and walked and walked and walked. Jake had a complete blast and amazingly so did Laura. She was such a good sport and gave Jake one of his best days of his life. I don't know how to repay her for it??? In all honesty I'm completely in awe of her, what an amazing Aunt to do this for her nephew. Thank you Laura for all that you do, especially for being "The Best Aunt Ever" (exact quote by Jake).
I have a list of everything I need to get done before our little baby arrives. One of the things on my list is to catch up on my blog. Sadly I haven't blogged since the first of August so I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm telling you this because in the next few weeks I'll be putting out random posts, most likely they won't be in order but at this point in my life I'll just be happy that they are posted. Wish me luck!!! And hope you enjoy them!!!