Friday, September 21, 2012

Lagoon Day!! BEST AUNT EVER!!

So I have to brag about my sister Laura. This year I nominate her as "AUNT OF THE YEAR".  All Summer we've been telling Jake that we would take him to Lagoon, he hasn't been since he was a little boy and he's been wanting to for a loooong time.  At the beginning of August we had it scheduled but at the last minute something came up and it fell through. Life got really busy and all of a sudden when I looked at the Calendar he only had one day left in August that he could go, all the other days were scheduled with foot ball practice. 

Our dillema was Scott couldn't get off work, I was 8 months pregnant so I couldn't take him, I called all of his Uncles, our friends, neighbors to see if anyone could take him.  The night before I was talking to my sister Laura and telling her how guilty I felt that we were not able to get Jake to Lagoon this summer when she interrupted me and said "I'll take him".

And just like that it was planned. She picked him up the next day, they arrived at Lagoon at exactly 11am and stayed till it closed 10pm.  They rode every ride, some even twice, went to Lagoona Beach, ate a ton of food, watched shows and walked and walked and walked. Jake had a complete blast and amazingly so did Laura. She was such a good sport and gave Jake one of his best days of his life. I don't know how to repay her for it???  In all honesty I'm completely in awe of her, what an amazing Aunt to do this for her nephew.   Thank you Laura for all that you do, especially for being "The Best Aunt Ever" (exact quote by Jake).






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