Monday, August 31, 2009


Last night and today has been very emotional for me. Today was Jacob's first day of kindergarten. It feels like just yesterday he was learning to crawl up the stairs and now he is climbing on the bus going to school. Where did the time go??? Jake was so excited when he woke up this morning!! I kept asking him if he was scared and he replied back with a firm "no". In new situations Jake becomes very shy and nervous and will tear up. Scott and I tried to do everything we could to prepare him for this big day. We met his teacher a few times, visited his classroom, had play dates with kids in his class, talked about new friends, the bus etc... When walking to the bus stop I started panicking and wondering if I really had done everything I could to prepare him for today. My thoughts then went deeper and I started wondering if I had done everything to prepare him for life? Have I taught Jake everything I could in these 5 precious years? Is he prepared for our crazy world? Could I have been a better mom? Does he understand that he is never alone? Then regrets flooded my mind... I wish I had been more patient! I wish I hadn't got mad at him yesterday for spilling water! AHHHHHHHHHH!! Thankfully I only tortured myself with these thoughts for two minutes as that is how long it took us to walk to the bus stop. Do all Mom's go through this or am I just crazy????????

Here is Jake standing in line to get on the bus.

Getting Jake on the bus and into the school went really well. Scott & I followed the bus to the school & helped Jake find his class room and we got him settled with his teacher. Jake was very brave. We had no tears so I was feeling pretty good when I said my final goodbye.

Here is Jake on the bus. Such a cutie!!!

Here is Jake in his class room. The 4 hours he was gone felt like forever. I had a pit in my stomach the whole time praying non stop that everything was going well for him.

When I met Jake at the bus stop he gave me the biggest hug. He had the biggest & brightest smile on his face. I of course gave him the 3rd degree asking a million questions. From what I got out of him the day went great except for when he got lost at recess and couldn't find his class. Or when he got on the bus to go home and started to cry because he didn't know if the bus driver would take him to the right house. Oh my dear little boy!! I have had many talks with him through the day reassuring him that his teacher will take care of him and the bus driver will always take him home to the right house. I have also bribed him with a trip to the toy store tomorrow if he can make it through the day without crying. Yeah to bribes!!!

So, all in all we are being positive. A few scary moments and a few tears but we did it. We got through our first day of school. I am so proud of Jake and I am proud of me!! LOL!!



Last night as I was balling trying to grasp the concept of my baby going to school. I thought I would torture myself more and look at my photo albums. And yes, it made me cry even more. Here are a few of my favorites. These are dedicated to you Jake. I love you!!! And I am so proud of you!!!

This is when I met Jake for the first time. He was healthy and absolutely perfect. From the moment I met him and looked in his eyes I knew he was going to be someone really special.

This is Jake at 6 months old. He was
a happy baby, he had a ton of energy, loved to move, loved to smile, loved his milk and loved life!!

This is Jake at 1 1/2 years old. He is my best buddy. We had 4 years together when it was only Jake, Scott & I! They were really fun years!!

This is 3 year old Jake. He loved running, playing basketball, throwing balls. He is our little athlete. He was always (and still is) good at obeying us. I could always talk to him and reason with him. He is a very smart little boy.

Here is Jake at 4 years old. For everyone who knows Jake they can all tell you that there is really something special about him. He has a sweet, innocent and special spirit. He is always kind and loving to others. He tries to be and do the best at everything he does, whether its sports, learning etc...

Here is Jake at 5 years old. He is the best big brother to Coco. Jake is also the best helper to his Mom and Dad.

Today has definitely made me determined to enjoy life more, to play with my kids more, to listen more, to enjoy every second I have with them because time goes by too fast to not do these things.


  1. You are so cute. I love the picture of him on the bus. That is hysterical! haha
    He is such a handsome boy!

  2. You are crazy! You are the most amazing mother in the whole world....and you have the most incredible little boy. I loved reading all about Jake, I even got a little teary eyed myself. I am so glad he did so well, I can picture him getting nervous about being lost. Sad. I bet he is loving it now though....can't wait to hear how the rest of his week went.

  3. Hey Sarah
    This is Sherilyn, I found your blog from Laura's. Hope you don't mind me looking at your blog. We have one too!! Feel free to check it out. I can't believe how big your kids are getting. There are so cute. Hope you are doing well.

  4. Awwww . . . I can't believe Jake is in Kindergarten! It made me emotional just looking at those photos. He looks so grown up! I remember when he was one like it was yesterday. Time flies too fast!!!

  5. It was so fun to hear about Jake starting Kindergarten as that is what we are doing with Kyndal too! Thanks for sharing!


Courtney and Baby Lydia

Courtney and Baby Lydia
Courtney and her favorite Baby. Baby Lydia. How do I explain to her that baby has moved away? Breaks my heart!!!!

My hot husband!!

My hot husband!!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair & teeth time!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair  & teeth time!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

St. George

St. George

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese
We took Jake and Coco to Chucke Cheese for their first time. We all had a blast!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!