Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Egg Story

Funny story about Courtney..... The other day, Coco & I were grocery shopping at Walmart. She was sitting in the shopping cart with all the food. I wasn't paying attention to her as I was doing the usual shopping thing, but seriously what kind of trouble could she really get into right? WRONG!


I glanced down and saw that Courtney had slime all over her hands. I stopped, looked closer and saw that she had opened the carton of 18 eggs and had crushed at least half of them. There was raw eggs all over the groceries, all over Coco and a trail of egg yolk down the food isle. What the???


I was so embarrased. I quickly grabbed the last few items I needed and headed to the check out. The check out girl looked at me really weird when she was scanning the slimy food but interestingly didn't ask or say anything about it. But this is Walmart, what do you expect. LOL!!


It wasn't until I told Courtney I wasn't taking her to McDonalds that she knew she was in Big Big Trouble. And, can I empathise she was in Big Big Big TROUBLE!!

In the end, after I cleaned the groceries and calmed down I was able to find the humor in the whole situation and now it makes me laugh. Definitely a memory I will never forget.


  1. Sarah! I REALLY was hoping you'd have a picture of court covered in egg...and the egg trail behind her! :) Oh well! I'm sure the picture in my head is WAY better anyway! What a nut that little girl is! I'm sure she just "forgot to think!" LOL

  2. That is too funny, I think it's especially hilarious that the checker girl didn't say anything.


Courtney and Baby Lydia

Courtney and Baby Lydia
Courtney and her favorite Baby. Baby Lydia. How do I explain to her that baby has moved away? Breaks my heart!!!!

My hot husband!!

My hot husband!!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair & teeth time!

Mom and Courts morning routine. Hair  & teeth time!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

Sarah's 23rd Birthday! LOL!!!

St. George

St. George

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake swimming in Pine View

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Jake and Coco with Cousin Tyler hanging out in St. George

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese

Coco kissing Chucke Cheese
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almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!

almost kissing counsins. Too cute!!!